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External module "src/useForm"





  • useForm is the React hook for validating form inputs. It returns an object with several helpers to retrieve error messages and form value, define validations and more.

    import React from "react";
    import { useForm } from "@fnando/use-form";
    type FormParams = {
      name: string;
      email: string;
      password: string;
      passwordConfirmation: string;
    export const SignupScreen: React.FC = () => {
      const { errors, values, ...form } = useForm<FormParams>(({ required, confirm, regex }) => ({
        name: [required()],
        email: [required(), regex(/^\S+@\S+$/)],
        password: [required()],
        passwordConfirmation: [confirm("password")]
      return (
        <form onSubmit={form.handleSubmit}>
              Your name
              <br />
              <input name="name" onChange={form.handleChange} />
              Your email
              <br />
              <input name="email" type="email" onChange={form.handleChange} />
              Choose a password
              <br />
              <input name="password" type="password" onChange={form.handleChange} />
              Confirm your password
              <br />
              <input name="passwordConfirmation" type="password" onChange={form.handleChange} />
            <button>Sign up</button>

    useForm returns an object that contains everything you need.

    • defaultValues: this is the object you provide while initializing the form so you don't have to define beforehand.
    • errors: this is an object like {attribute: string[]} which contains all error messages for invalid attributes. If you need to transform error messages in any way, use the validations property to derive a new object.
    • handleChange: the input's onChange handler.
    • isInvalid(): a function that returns true if the validation fails.
    • isValid(): a function that returns true if the validation succeeds.
    • reset(): reset the form's state; i.e. resets validations and errors. Also restores values to the defaultValues.
    • validations: an object that contains everything related to the validation. For more info about the result check Validation.
    • values: the current form's state.

    Type parameters

    • Params


    • init: UseFormInitializer<Params>

      The initializer function. The provided function will receive all built-in validation rules bundled with @fnando/use-form.

    • Default value __namedParameters: object = {}
      • defaultValues: undefined | object

    Returns Form<Params>

    The form helpers.

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